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Our Community Engagement Strategy can be viewed 
You are on this website so you know the best place to look for updates on our progress or announcements about public meetings.  PLEASE tell your friends and neighbours to put this site on their 'favourites' list and to keep an eye open for progress reports....
Public events in Melton e.g. the Annual Fete will be used to further publicise what we are doing and give you a chance to get involved and feed in to the process.

There will be a number of VERY important public meetings and we need as many of you to attend these as possible. These will be used to guage public opinion and also for your feedback on our progress with the Plan.

A questionnaire was sent to ALL village residents in January 2014 (see Progress Page).  Even if you have missed the March 1st deadline PLEASE take the time to fill this in and send it back to us.  Your views are important - we can not do this work without you. There are still copies available to anyone who did not receive one.

Sign up to the mailing list
Go to the Contact page on this site and send an e-mail with your e-mail address and full name and indicate that you would like to be on the mailing list and we will keep you updated on everything we do.
Posters, letters, flyers and Melton Messenger
You will be seeing various methods of communication from the team throughout this process but the most regular will be a report in every edition of Melton Messenger which goes to every household in the village.
Official Consultations
Later on in the process there will be some big consultations e.g. Pre-Submission and Submission Stage Consultations.  You will all be informed of these and have your chance to comment of progress and the Draft Plan at that stage.
Talk to us
Please write, call, email and tell us your views and concerns.
Planning and development affects us all - this is your chance to take control!


"A strong and empowered village where all residents feel they are involved positively in the planning process which directly affects them"

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